The purpose of the QPS Fundraising Committee is to raise money to fund QPS above and beyond yearly membership dues, allowing the Fundraising Committee efforts to support the free services QPS offers to the public, such as:
QPS RAPP, (Re-Home and Placement)
the QPList, (Quaker Parakeet Discussion List)
QPSERC, (Education and Research).
Projects revolve around creating new, exclusively " Quaker" products for sale at the Quaker Quarters and soon Cafe Express pages for Green and Blue Quakers.
The QPS Fundraising Committee also holds raffles at the AFA conference and other venues. Raffles held at the annual AFA conference fund QPS-sponsored, renown speakers so that QPS can bring the latest Quaker related information to QPS members and non members alike. Raffles also fund QPS manned tables at avian shows and fairs, where visitors to the table can pick up Quaker educational liturature, products, meet other Quaker enthusiasts, as well as join QPS.